10.0.1650 - 04.29.2024
- DataCap Capture Removal on Check Close: Removed the DataCap capture process on check close for incremental authorization, streamlining the payment process and reducing potential errors.
10.0.1647 - 04.25.2024
- QR Payment Cancellation Prompt: Added a prompt for canceling pending QR payments, improving transaction management and user control.
- Balance Due on Future Orders: Corrected an issue where adding items to prepaid future orders was not updating the balance due, ensuring accurate order management.
10.0.1645 - 04.23.2024
- Balance Sheet Error Fix: Resolved an error on the balance sheet, ensuring accurate financial reporting and business continuity.
- End-of-Day Batch Modification: Enhanced the batch process at the end of the day for smoother transitions and accurate financial records.
- Void Discount Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with voiding discounts on open checks, preventing discrepancies in balance sheets.
- Future Order Payment Fix: Addressed an issue where future orders with a balance were incorrectly prompting for complete payment, improving order management.
10.0.1643 - 04.19.2024
- Cancel Tender and Cash Discount Fix: Corrected an issue where canceling a tender with the cash discount feature caused discrepancies, ensuring accurate transaction handling.
10.0.1641 - 04.18.2024
New Printer Support: Added support for the L540 label printer for printing barcode labels, expanding hardware compatibility.
- Driver’s License Scan Fix: Fixed a bug with scanning driver's license, following an update to age verification and reading micro PDF417 barcodes.
10.0.1639 - 04.16.2024
- Fixed Add-ons to Future Phone Orders: Resolved a problem related to adding additional items or changes to phone orders scheduled for a future date, ensuring better order management.
10.0.1634 - 04.15.2024
- Fixed Void Prepaid Order/Deposit Issue: Ensured that canceling or voiding a prepaid order now properly returns deposits/payments to the customer.
- Fixed Change Tender for Phone Orders from Credit to Cash: Corrected the process for changing the payment method for phone orders from credit card to cash.
10.0.1630 - 04.11.2024
- Fixed Cancel Tender with Phone Order Deposit: Resolved an issue where canceling a payment method associated with a phone order deposit was not processing correctly.
- Fixed Cash Audit by Terminal: Improved the cash auditing process by terminal to ensure accurate financial tracking.
- Fixed Bug Related to Receipt Printing and "Prompts for Tip" on Pin Pad: Addressed an issue where receipts were not printing after customers entered a tip on an EMV device.
- Fixed Tips on Phone Orders with Attached Payment: Resolved issues related to applying tips to phone orders when a payment is attached.
10.0.1623 - 04.09.2024
- Added Function: "Count-as-Meal": Allows users to track meal counts and calculate average costs or sales per meal. This feature can be found under Menu Items and Pricing - Misc. Functions - Count-as-Meal.
- Fixed Error 91: Resolved Error 91 related to PAX batching and attaching payments to phone orders via PAX device.
- Fixed Scan Check Function: Ensured proper processing and accuracy on the order.