Tailor your customer receipts and prep tickets for clear communication and operational efficiency.
Receipt Settings:
- Print Order Type: Display the order type (e.g., DINE-IN) prominently at the top or bottom of receipts.
- 3-Digit Order Number: Print the last three digits of the order number in bold at the bottom for easy identification.
- Ticket Item Count: Print the total number of items (excluding options) on the receipt.
- Auto Print Receipt: Automatically print a receipt when a transaction is completed.
Disable $0.00 Menu Items from printing on the customer receipt
You may want to exclude "Tap Water" and various $0.00 priced items from appearing on the customer's receipt.
Managers Menu > Register Setup > Terminal Configuration > Register Options > Printing / Cash Drawer > Advanced Options > tick the option, "Turn off menu items on receipt with no price" > Save > Exit
Disable $0.00 Modifiers from printing on the customer receipt
Managers Menu > Register Setup > Terminal Configuration > Register Options > Printing / Cash Drawer > Advanced Options > tick the option, "Print Charged Modifiers Only" > Save > Exit
If the option "Roll into Menu Price" is set to Yes, then even the charge modifiers are not shown. Instead, the modifier price is rolled into the total price of the menu item.
Disable modified items from consolidating on receipt
If your system is setup to consolidate like items together (2 Fries vs; 1 Fries 1 Fries), this option will disable modified items from grouping together (Ex: 2 orders of fries, one has "Add Cheese", the receipt separates out the like items and is printed as "1 Fry", "1 Fry Add Cheese").
Managers Menu > Register Setup > Terminal Configuration > Register Options > Printing / Cash Drawer > Advanced Options > No Consolidation For Modified Items.
Showing individual seat totals on receipt
Managers Menu > Register Setup > Terminal Configuration > Register Options > Printing / Cash Drawer > Advanced Options
Enable Seat Totals On Receipt: If this is checked then the check is broken down by seat with individual sales totals.
Printing change amount on receipt
This option prints the customer's change amount on the bottom of each receipt, when paying cash.
Managers Menu > Register Setup > Terminal Configuration > Register Options > Printing / Cash Drawer > Advanced Options > Print Change Amount On Receipt
If the user is using house accounts (see House Account Setup on Manager menu) and it is a full service application, this option MUST be checked or the house account information will not print on the bottom of the customer receipt/close check slip.
Miscellaneous Features
Turn on department sales total at the bottom of receipt
This option provides a Department Summary to print on the bottom of the customer receipt. Allowing a breakdown of the transaction by menu departments.
Managers Menu > Register Setup > Terminal Configuration > Register Options > Printing / Cash Drawer > Advanced Options > Turn on department sales total at the bottom of receipt
Add a customer signature line at the bottom of customer receipt
If this is enabled, a customer signature line prints on the bottom of the receipt, regardless of payment type (the customer's itemized receipt).
Managers Menu > Register Setup > Terminal Configuration > Register Options > Printing / Cash Drawer > Advanced Options > Turn on customer signature line at the bottom of receipt
Add tip line on customer receipt (the customer's itemized receipt)
Manager Menu > Register Setup > Register Options by Terminal > Printing/Cash Drawer > Advanced Options -> Check “Turn on tip add line on customer receipt” > Save
(Tips must also be activated by your credit card processor!!!)